레이블이 Paradise Horse Club인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Paradise Horse Club인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'paradise horses'|Enter the Gateway to a Horse Lovers Paradise....

About 'paradise horses'|Enter the Gateway to a Horse Lovers Paradise....

               Lexington               is               seen               as               horse               country               for               a               reason               -               they're               everywhere               including               the               street               signs.

But               Lexington               is               more               than               just               horses!
               For               the               horse               lover               Lexington               is               horse               heaven.

There's               Keeneland               where               some               of               the               premier               horses               in               the               world               are               sold               at               multi-day               sales               to               the               famous               and               not               so               famous               new               owners.

Keeneland               also               has               racing               at               other               points               in               the               year,               where               young               horses               learn               what               it               takes               to               be               a               race               horse.

Next               door               to               Keeneland               is               a               farm               that               it               can               safely               be               said               helped               change               the               world               of               racing               -               Calumet               Farm.

With               a               history               marred               by               the               death               of               the               great               Thoroughbred               Alydar               and               the               negative               aspects               of               money               and               greed               it's               sometimes               forgotten               that               in               Calumet's               glory               years               they               produced               and               raced               great               horses               like               Whirlaway               and               Citation.
               Keeneland               is               a               name               in               the               Thoroughbred               world               synonymous               with               quality.

The               yearling               sales               and               winter               mixed               sales               it's               not               unusual               to               see               hundreds               of               thousands               and               a               million               or               more               change               hands               on               a               single               horse.

Thoroughbred               sales               are               held               five               times               yearly               with               two-year               olds               selling               in               April,               yearlings               selling               in               July               and               September,               breeding               stock               in               November,               and               horses               of               all               ages               in               January.

There               are               plenty               of               less               expensive               horses               to               balance               out               the               million               dollar               babies               for               those               interested               in               getting               a               piece               of               the               Thoroughbred               pie.
               One               not-to-be-missed               point               for               horse               lovers               is               the               world               famous               Kentucky               Horse               Park.

A               museum,               gift               shop,               barn               of               breeds               and               world               class               events               such               as               Rolex               are               held               at               the               Park.

The               Champion               Barn               is               home               to               world               renowned               Thoroughbreds               Da               Hoss,               Cigar               and               John               Henry               are               retired               here.

Champion               pacers               (Standardbreds)               Staying               Together               and               Western               Dreamer               as               well               as               World               Champion               American               Saddlebred               Gypsy               Supreme               and               World               Champion               running               Quarter               horse               Tailor               Fit.

A               common               thread               -               besides               the               excellence               they               showed               in               their               respective               careers               -               is               all               but               Cigar               are               geldings.

Once               retired               there               is               no               breeding               career               for               them               -               here               they               live               out               their               lives               with               the               honor               and               respect               they               deserve.

The               Memorial               walk               of               Champions               salutes               former               residents               who               are               no               longer               here               -               champion               Saddlebreds               Skywatch               and               Imperator,               quarter               horse               standout               Sgt.

Pepper               Feature,               Thoroughbred               champions               Bold               Forbes               and               Forego               and               Standardbred               champions               Cam               Fella               and               Rambling               Willie.

There               is               also               obvious               tribute               in               the               park               to               two               of               the               greatest               Thoroughbreds               in               history               -               Man               O               War               and               Secretariat.

Many               breeds               are               housed               in               the               big               barn               and               there's               a               special               draft               barn               for               the               big               horses               that               pull               the               carriages.

You               might               catch               a               three               day               event               or               carriage               driving               or               a               polo               match               as               these               are               but               a               few               of               the               activities               that               happen               at               the               Park.

Wear               comfortable               footwear               -               the               Park               sits               on               1,200               acres               of               Kentucky               landscape.
               You               can               see               breeds               from               the               common               to               the               not               so               common               in               the               barn...learn               about               the               horse               in               history....shop               for               horse               related               gift               items               and               much               more               in               one               stop.

Allow               yourself               the               day               -               if               you               want               to               see               everything               two               days!

There               is               much               to               see               here               and               even               on               a               full               day               it               we               didn't               see               everything.

Spread               over               1,200               acres               it               is               definitely               on               the               must-visit               list               for               horse               lovers.

The               International               Museum               Of               The               Horse               features               an               art               gallery               and               several               special               exhibits               -               currently               running               a               juried               art               show               through               October.
               There               are               well               over               150               horse               farms               in               near               proximity               to               Lexington               -               but               as               they               are               working               farms               you               should               never               just               "drop               by."               Many               welcome               visitors               but               due               to               the               nature               of               horses               and               the               activities               of               a               farm               there               are               some               times               visitors               would               not               be               a               good               idea               -               for               example               when               breeding               stallions               in               the               spring.

Farms               are               not               limited               to               just               Thoroughbreds               -               there's               also               farms               for               American               Saddlebreds,               Hackneys,               Standardbreds,               Morgans               and               other               breeds.
               Claiborne               Farm               near               Paris               has               long               been               one               of               the               biggest               names               in               the               world               of               Thoroughbred               horses.

Laid               to               rest               here               are               horses               as               well               known               as               Bold               Ruler,               Princequillo,               Easy               Goer,               Secretariat,               Mr               Prospector,               Unbridled               are               but               a               few.

Champion               Personal               Ensign               was               recently               pensioned               at               the               farm               to               live               out               her               life               as               just               a               horse               -               at               22               her               days               as               a               broodmare               are               behind               her               as               much               as               her               days               of               racing               but               she               will               remain               at               the               farm               where               she               was               born.

               Gainesway               Farm               is               another               farm               with               names               that               are               recognized               far               and               wide               -               for               those               who               remember               seeing               Afleet               Alex's               amazing               run               in               the               Preakness               and               the               story               behind               him               he               is               here               as               well               as               Birdstone,               Cozzene               and               Ten               Most               Wanted               are               just               a               few               of               the               horses               now               at               Gainesway.

Not               far               away               at               Three               Chimneys               is               the               horse               Birdstone               prevented               from               getting               his               Triple               Crown               -               Smarty               Jones.

Near               Versailles               is               Lanes               End               -               and               more               top               class               Thoroughbreds               now               retired               from               racing               and               making               their               way               producing               offspring.

Lanes               End               is               home               to               A.P.Indy               who               commands               a               $300,000               stud               fee               as               a               son               of               Seattle               Slew               out               of               a               daughter               of               Secretariat               -               a               close               link               to               two               of               the               greatest               horses               the               breed               has               known.

The               Lanes               End               roster               also               includes               many               horses               known               around               the               world               and               respected               in               the               industry.
               If               Thoroughbreds               and               racing               isn't               your               thing               make               an               appointment               to               see               one               of               the               farms               richest               in               non-Thoroughbred               horse               history               in               the               Lexington               area.

Kalarama               Stud               holds               their               own               in               winning               history               -               their               American               Saddlebred               Harlem               Globetrotter               won               Kentucky               State               Fair               World's               Championship               Horse               Show               Five               Gaited               Stallion               title               before               being               retired               to               stud               and               siring               more               than               50               offspring               that               have               topped               the               World               Show               classes.

The               farm               was               well               established               in               Saddlebreds               when               they               produced               a               horse               who               became               a               household               name               in               show               horses               -               Kalarama               Rex.

In               the               1930s               he               became               well               known               -               then               the               barn               was               destroyed               by               fire               in               1936.

Hit               hard               in               World               War               II               a               dispersal               was               planned               -               but               Kalarama               Rex               died               before               it               happened.

Topping               the               sale               was               a               horse               who               would               have               a               huge               impact               on               the               breed               -               Society               Rex.

The               farm               has               survived               despite               serious               setbacks.

               Heart               To               Heart               is               another               American               Saddlebred               farm               in               the               area               with               quality               horses.

For               other               horse               related               sites               The               Red               Mile,               the               oldest               race               track               in               Kentucky,               is               worth               a               stop.

Standardbreds               -               trotters               and               pacers               -               shine               here               and               quarter               horses               are               raced               as               well.
               Two               other               horse               sales               are               well               known               in               the               Lexington               area               -               Tattersalls               and               Fasig-Tipton               have               sales               throughout               the               year.
               If               you               have               the               idea               Lexington               breathes               horses               you're               right.

History,               horses               and               agriculture               abound.

But               if               you               don't               care               for               the               "horsey"               things               don't               overlook               Lexington               and               the               surrounding               area!
               History               buffs               -               set               off               to               explore               the               Shaker               Village               of               Pleasant               Hill               -               a               living               history               museum               where               you               can               see               artisans               working               on               various               things               as               well               as               historical               farming.

Dominique               chickens,               milking               shorthorn               cattle               and               Leicester               sheep               are               but               a               few               of               the               endangered               breeds               of               livestock               kept               here.

Percheron               horses               and               oxen               are               used               instead               of               tractors.
               For               even               more               history               set               out               for               Harrodsburg               -               the               first               permanent               English               settlement               west               of               the               Allegheny               Mountains.

Pre-Civil               War               homes               and               a               full-scale               replica               of               the               original               fort               stand               in               the               area.

Perryville               Battlefield               is               the               site               of               Kentucky's               most               important               Civil               War               battle,               which               marked               a               fatal               loss               of               the               initiative               for               the               South.

               Take               in               a               basketball               game               or               broadway               show               or               other               event               at               the               Lexington               Center...or               look               for               another               wide               variety               of               events               at               Rupp               Arena.

Want               to               shop?

Check               out               the               Fayette               Mall.

The               Arboretum               offers               walking               and               jogging               paths               through               trees               and               plants.
               Of               course               there's               always               sooner               or               later               a               need               for               food               and               there's               places               to               go               for               that               too.

John               Michael's               Hometown               Bar               &               Grill               on               the               edge               of               Nicholasville               -               steaks,               chicken,               frog               legs,               fish,               grilled               vegetables,               desserts               are               just               a               few               of               the               things               to               tempt               hungry               visitors.

Look               for               the               red,               neon-lighted               guitar               towering               above               the               restaurant               -               and               come               hungry.

You               never               know               what               might               happen               during               your               visit               -               the               music               theme               is               beyond               decoration               -               it's               an               extension.

Songs               like               "I               Love               the               Way               You               Love               Me",               "I               Swear"               and               "Letters               From               Home"               are               just               a               few               that               have               come               from               the               owner               of               the               grill,               John               Michael               Montgomery.
               Horses               aren't               the               only               famous               names               coming               out               of               the               Lexington               area.

Besides               John               Michael               Montgomery               there               are               many               others               who               have               ties               to               the               area.

Eddie               Montgomery               and               Troy               Gentry               formed               the               duo               Montgomery               Gentry               and               in               2000               was               named               the               Country               Music               Association's               vocal               duo               of               the               year.

In               sports               Steve               Cauthen               became               youngest               jockey               to               win               the               Triple               Crown               on               Affirmed               in               1978               and               farmer,               poet,               novelist,               essayist,               and               teacher,               Wendell               Berry               further               call               Kentucky               home.

There               are               many               more               who               have               risen               to               fame               and               call               the               bluegrass               country               home.
               While               you're               in               the               Lexington               area               one               thing               not               on               the               map               or               tourist               guides               or               websites               is               the               people.

The               caliber               of               horses               is               often               mentioned               but               not               so               much               the               caliber               of               people.

It's               true               that               there's               good               and               bad               everywhere               but               there               are               some               of               the               best               people               calling               this               area               home.

They're               willing               to               give               a               hand               up,               not               a               hand               out               -               even               to               strangers.

They're               good               people               -               look               for               the               smaller               out               of               the               way               places               as               well               as               those               mentioned               here               -               go               walk               through               the               towns               and               check               out               the               little               cafes               and               shops               and               meet               the               people               who               make               this               area               special.

In               25               years               of               trips               to               the               area               there's               not               been               one               time               there               wasn't               SOMETHING               special               that               happened               -               even               the               trip               a               little               misfortune               happened.

Suffice               to               say               I'm               glad               it               was               Lexington               and               not               one               of               several               other               cities!

Many               plan               trips               to               the               big               cities               and               the               coasts               -               ignoring               completely               "flyover               country".

Plan               a               trip               to               Lexington               and               make               some               memories!

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